The School consists of separate structures of Swimming pool hall, Gymnasium (Sports Hall), guard House and Class Rooms along with court yard, sports courts and external areas. The project consists of the rehabilitation of the following buildings:

Pool Hall (Building A):

  • Renovation, Modification of WC, dressing blocks, service rooms and administration rooms.
  • Renovation of the existing swimming pool.
  • Replacement of external cladding including necessary works related to maintenance
  • Maintenance of the roofing system and the external steel ladder

Sports Hall (Building B)

  • Renovation of WC, dressing blocks, service rooms and administration rooms.
  • Replacement of external cladding including necessary works related
  • Maintenance of the roofing system

Guard Rooms

  • Renovation of the existing concrete rooms
  • Replacement of the existing temporary rooms (of light weight roofs)
  • Construction of new watch room at a main gate
  • External Areas Between & Around Buildings A, B and Guard Rooms
  • Removing the existing trees from the site
  • Replacement of the existing paving (curbstone, interlock) works.
  • Construction of new PVC Sheds

Services Undertaken Include:

  • Architectural and Civil works
  • Electrical and Mechanical works