Assistance in Site Selection and Preparation of Environmental Studies for Solid Waste Facilities in Lebanon Including Preparation of Tender Documents for Solid Waste Management in Lebanon.

The CDR acting on behalf of the Republic of Lebanon intends to launch international tenders for interested parties to tender for the construction and operation of solid waste treatment facilities and sanitary landfills and, optionally, for the collection of the solid waste and street cleansing. The tenders to be launched will cover the following four regions of Lebanon:

  • Beirut and Mount Lebanon
  • North Lebanon and Akkar
  • South Lebanon and Nabatiyeh
  • Bekaa and Baalbeck-Hermel

Each tender will include for the construction and operation of sanitary landfills, transfer stations, sorting plants and/or bio-mechanical organic waste treatment facilities. Other treatment options proposed by the tenderers will also be considered. Additionally, tenderers will have the option to tender for the collection of solid waste and street cleaning in any of the four regions.

Services Undertaken Include:

Site selection for solid waste facilities (transfer stations, sorting plants, waste treatment facilities, sanitary landfills) had to be carried out in support of a technical committee made up of representatives of:

  • Ministry of Interior and Municipal Affairs,
  • Ministry of Environment,
  • Directorate General of Urbanism,
  • Council for Development and Reconstruction

Our task was to assist in the site selection for over 30 sites. This consisted in visiting potential predetermined sites using GIS land use maps and to confirm their suitability. Once all sites were chosen all cadastral information had to be obtained. A complete file of all sites chosen and all information available on them was submitted to the Council of Ministers, through CDR. Then topographic surveys were carried out for all sites selected to provide the bidders with the necessary information on each site.

The surveys were also used to size the relevant facilities in order to prepare expropriation files. In parallel with that, geotechnical surveys and Environmental Impact Assessment were prepared for 16 landfill sites, 23 compost plants and 23 sorting plants. This work is being carried out as a complement to the preparation of Prequalification Documents, Evaluation of Prequalification Application and Preparation of Tender Documents in Collaboration with Fichtner.

Work included:

  • Data Collection and Interpretation for the existing situation as well as future plans.
  • Forecast of the future waste arisings.
  • Functional Design.
  • Preparation of Tender Documents including Instruction to tenderers, Specification of the Scope of Services, Improvements, Draft Agreements.
  • Evaluation of Bids