Services undertaken include:
Task 1: Project planning, Review current situation of EdL and previous studies, International experience and key issues for restructuring
Task 2: Recommendations on new industry structure, Development of new industry model, Identification of rules, codes, agreements required by new industry structure, Guidelines for rules, Guidelines for grid code, Guidelines for distribution code, Guidelines for performance standards, Guidelines for agreements required, Guidelines for contracts (vesting / PPAs), Establish boundaries of NBUs, Organisation structure for each NBU
Task 3: Investment plan for sector expansion, Business plan for each NBU Governance, criteria for selecting Board and Management, Assets valuation and allocation to NBUs, Assets and liabilities transfer to NBUs, Capitalisation structure for NBUs
Task 4: Set up task force from EdL to assist with restructuring process, Implementation charters, Strategic support to new EdL resources, Readiness assessment of organisation for launch, Transfer of employees to new EdL, Assessment of capacity building required for new sector structure in NBUs, Proposal of training plan.